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Ask Mandy

LIKE HELLOOOO! It's me! Mandie! I mean Mandy! Yeah ok. Like I got a few questions and I am like soooooo ready to answer them! OK! Let's get to them! *TEEHEE!*

Why did you ever get a recording contract and why do you continute to put out albums when they don't sell?

I Can't Stand You

Dear You Can't Stand Me-
Wellsies...for 1...I am sooooo hott that aenyone will buy my albems! I no it!! I put them out reely because old dirty men buy them! *TEEHEE!* I got my contract because I got in bed with an old dirtee man like the ones who buy my albem! He said he was going to sign me because his boss sais he was no good and he said he could proov it and that he could sign someone in 2 houers! So there!!!!

Love Always,

Why are you so anorexic?


Like I am not anerexick! I just don't like food! It's evil! No one shood eat! It's bad fore you! Do this new diet called the, "Mandy Diet". TEEHEE! I made it up! Just drink 16 glasses of water a day and at 3PM and 10PM eat about 8 ounces of grass or any fat-free, calorie-free, cholesterol-free and sugar-free foods!

Love Always,


Hey Mandy,
I was wondering if you would ever get breast implants like Britney or any of those other pop sluts? Coz, I mean...you're flatter than my little brother!


Dear Person,
Listin here! I do not need implants! My bobbies are nice and round! They are bigger then Britney's! If I had small bobbs then I wood get implants. But I think that if I did, I wouldn't be able to pay my rent on my trailer for a looong time. Since my music career is going downhill, I have to get a second job on MTV as a VJ and get my own show. My show, "Mandy" has bad rating but they still let me do a new episode now and then. I wonder why they named it Mandy? Hmmm.

Love Always,


Why are you such a flirt? You act like you are the finest thing in the world, trying to look all seductive in your videos, which suck by the way!

Pink Princess-
Don't go there girlfreind! *TEEHEE!* I AM the finest thing to hit this world! You know it to! I am like soooo hot! OMYGOD! I am so jellous of me!! OMYGOD! Yer just jellouss that I am soooo hot and yer not! So there! HAHAHA! Like shut-up. I act seductive in my videeos cuz all the guys in the world want me! YOU KNOW IT TO! Yer just jellouss cause I make more money whoring than yer parents! I make a whole $5 a week! Can you beat that? I don't theenk so girl! 5 dollars is SOOOOO much money!

I was just wondering. What are your hourly rates?


My rates range anywhere inbeetween 25 cents and $1.75. It depends on how hot the guy is. The hotter he is, the cheeper I am! I reely like customers with mullets!

Love Alwayz!

Who is your favorite singer?

Yours truly,

Beesides myself..*TEEHEE!* I reely like Billy Ray Cyrus! He is SOOO hot! OMYGOD OMYGOD OMYGOD! Like EEEE! He is SOO sexy!


Well peeple that's all the advice I have tooday! If you have a questchen, click the link below that says, "Ask Mandy a question." Well Thanks! Come back soon to see if I answer your questchens!! *TEEHEE!*

DO NOT take any of this advice seriously. If you want REAL advice email me. Make the subject, "Real advice" and you will get a serious answer.