Poor Ricki. She is probably thinking, "Hurry up and take this picture so I can get away from this sleazy bitch!" Put some make-up on Mandy! You are disgusting looking with it but even worse without it! 
Is that look supposed to be seducing or sexy? Well it just makes her look even sluttier! She is thinking, "I want to do you, your cousin and your brother!" 
I have to say that this pic is the worst pic of them all. Even worse than when she reunited with her family in the barn. Her head is all back and she is all scrunched up. What the hell is up with that??? 
Here she is trying to flaunt her mosquito bites! 
Mandy snorting her daily dose of cocaine behind a plant. (Please don't try what Mandy is doing)

Look at those roots! She dyes her hair blond just to TRY to be like Britney. PUT YOUR ARMS DOWN BITCH! YOU STINK LIKE B.O.! 
Nice outfit bitch! Stupid whore! Those pants are hideous! She has NO sense of style. Once again she has big black roots! 
You don't need to try to act scary Mandy. Your face is ScArY enough! 
Interviewer- "Ewww...what is that smell?!?" Mandy- "I don't know but it sure smells like tuna!" Interviewer- "Um...not to be rude but I think it's your cootchie Mandy!" Mandy- "Ewww....like whatever. I took a bath 2 weeks ago. Don't try to blame this on me!" (Pic-Jordan) 
"Like whatever! I DO NOT copy off Brit and Christina. Don't EVEN go there!" -Mandy during this picture. (Thanks to Jordan again for this pic)

Interviewer- "So Mandy, how old are you?" Mandy- "Uh....I think I'm 15...or is it 16? Cause in my video 'Candy' I drove a car...oh yeah...it was towed. So I must be 15. Wait I was born in '84..um...2000 minus 1984...um... Interviewer- "We don't have all day. Here's a calculator." Interviewer- (Whispers to man) "*She is as dumb as a box of rocks.*" Mandy- "Oh....this calculator says I am 91!" Interviewer- "It's upside down. YOU ARE 16! YOU DUMBASS BITCH! GET HER OUT OF HERE!" (Thanks to Jordan for that pic. Go to The "Links" section)

In this pic it looks like she pooped her pants and she's whining about it. I think Mandy needs to switch from Pullups to Depends. 
Mandy is on drugs WAY too much.