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Picture Gallery IV

Can you take anymore?!?!


"What? Did you say you'd give me $2.75?!? Alright!"


You better watch out! Big bad Mandy might kick your ass! Yeah....right!


Now she thinks she is Oriental! If I was from the far east, that would piss me off.


Mandy praying on the set of her video. "God...please bless me with talent!"


Why the hell is she in a wedding dress?! If she is going to get married looking like that then I feel sorry for the guy or animal that is marrying her! She is probably marrying her brother.


Nice face there Mandy. Do you smell your cootchie again? Maybe this week your should bathe.


Here is Mandy pretending she knows how to play the gituar.


Mandy lied, again. In "Quotes" she said she didn't have the confidence to walk out in a mini skirt and tube top. Well The mini is in "She Said she Doesn't" and the tube top is here. Well take a look at her ugly face. Looks like she didn't have time to do her hair either.


HAHAHAHA! ROTFLMAO! LOL! That is just hilarious! The truth has been revealed! Aand lil Pandy doesn't look too happy about it! As you can tell, Mandy is the main subject. Her picture was enlarged over them all!


AHHHH! WHAT IS THAT?!!?!? AHHHH! Oh...that's just Mandy.